Returning Members:
Please click the following link to complete the BCBHA Returning Minor Membership Application Form
Please accompany your registration form with the following:
- Copy of your constitution and bylaws
- Copy of your AGM minutes from 2024
New Applicants:
For new applicants, please refer to our Minor Membership Policy for more detail on the following guidelines. If you are unsure about your jurisdiction, please click the following link to a Map of BCBHA Minor Associations and their jurisdictions.
New applicants (In an area historically served by a BCBHA member)
- Reason why letter
- Overview of operations (including constitution and bylaws)
- 3-year growth plan
- Copy of floor permit or letter of commitment for floor times
- Player registration/waitlist export (proof of new players)
- Description of steps your organization has taken to work with the existing BCBHA member
New applicants (In geographical areas not historically served by a BCBHA member)
- Reason why letter (including evidence of community alignment)
- Overview of operations (including constitution and bylaws)
- 3-year growth plan
- Copy of floor permit or letter of commitment for floor times
- Your choice of associate member or full-member status
Please click the following link to complete the BCBHA New Minor Membership Application Form