BC Ball Hockey Association Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software


Programs available vary from province to province with the youngest age groups commencing at five years old. Youth leagues typically run in groupings of two to three years depending on the size of the community and number of participants. A sample program may offer the following age groups (the division names may vary):

  • Tykes Division - Under 6 (at start of calendar year)
  • Peanut Division - Under 8
  • Pup Division - Under 10
  • Peewee Division - Under 12
  • Minor Division - Under 14
  • Major Division - Under 16
  • Junior Division - Under 19
  • Men's Division - 19 +
  • Men's Masters Division - 35 +
  • Women's Division - 19 +

Men's programs usually commence at 19 years of age, with some provinces allowing under 18's to play with parental consent if no Youth program exists in their community or are at low registration numbers. Provinces may offer as many as six levels of play based on competitiveness of the player/team, including old-timers.

As players/teams succeed at each level, they are normally expected to graduate to higher competitive levels of play if offered in their communities, in order to keep programs fair and fun for all participants. Most provinces offer women's programs with no age minimums to encourage participation.

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